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As global manufacturers embrace the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices (“Industry 4.0”), IoT platforms improve manufacturing performance through integrated data and real-time feedback from sensors, wearables, and beacons.  The three most popular use cases for operational efficiency are real-time locationing, predictive maintenance and process optimization. 

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  • Easily find machinery, supplies and material inventory throughout a facility.  Remove human miscues from asset tracking

  • Identify how assets are utilized

  • Evaluate movement of valuable assets and equipment

  • Create a 360-degree view of operations to optimize workflows

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  • Collect data points and environmental readings such as vibration, usage metrics, temperature, and humidity, to reduce downtime and improve asset lifespan by triggering preventative maintenance and repair cycles

  • Reduce machine failures by detecting operational anomalies

  • Increase production rates by minimizing downtimes and closely monitoring inventory

Machine Arm Assembling Car
Manufacturing: About Us
Image by Adrian Sulyok


  • Understand barriers that hinder employee productivity

  • Source and act on procedural improvement methods from employee feedback

  • Create and implement plans to improve operations

  • Manage these changes with employee communication and stakeholder engagement

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